The Right and Wrong….Inviolable boundary that never existed
Few months ago I was speaking with my colleagues regarding the minimum basic income. At that time everyone in the group is so confident that it’s a metaphor and it will never going to happen at least in India and for unknown reason they are confident. Now just before the elections congress party had put in their election manifesto so called scheme “NYAY” nothing but a different version of MBI. It became a possibility now.
I love the idea of Nassim N Taleb about black swan events (“A black swan is an event or occurrence that deviates beyond what is normally expected of a situation and is extremely difficult to predict.”). “unknown unknowns” and “known unknowns” are merely a WRONG in present but a RIGHT in future or vice versa.
So a mere knowledgeable person with his life experiences can come to know about it. As an example ask the people in below four “unknown known” situations over a period in two people lives about “RIGHT” and “WRONG”
At every point in the life we fight the “Known unknowns” and we still don’t know how to handle them properly instead we address them as mere “RIGHT” and “WRONG” to easily come to a decision and we never consider to think of unknowns at all. that’s the reason in one or other situation we feel RIGHT in the past becoming WRONG now. a WRONG now becomes a RIGHT in future. The inviolable boundary that existed for you is not really there at all.
Some cogent visible parameter must not be only weigh for the individual to select an option. Most people who love the character “THANOS” in marvel avengers understand this dilemma much better.
So is THANOS rights?
Living in the reality and believing in feelings/circumstances to shape up a thought as a RIGHT and WRONG is the irony that we face in our society. we need to respect the challenges and define the choices promptly and ask for an optimized solution instead of better solution.
In the next election the major point in the election manifesto of opposition parties might be about “Digital Policing” and “AI Ethics”. Constitutions might be changed 80 percent addressing relevant modern civil society problems. In 15 years there will be “world union” with 90 percent of total world countries working together same as “European union”.
Have you prepared to accept something as a RIGHT or WRONG together with the 120 crore people even it is an individual choice in your perspective?
As a human we need to evolve more of a self-centered animal and must create a system where individual freedoms must be addressed until they don’t suffocate the other people choice. An intelligent species like robots or whatever future awaiting for us is going to be more capable of catering that need.
Its more sort of a “dopamine release in your body, while killing the people on an online game”.
From “Racial slur” to “Drugs” …every “WRONG” you addressed as it will be personalized to make it “RIGHT”.
There is no WRONG named as it until it involves either at least two things/living beings like
“Your risk taking craziness is not wrong until it makes someone else suffer”
“pollution is not wrong until it makes someone else paying for its outcome”
We need a more caution in creating our future and encompassing the knowledge in building it.
We need to be WRONG to make it RIGHT too….
That means I can ask my French lecturer out keeping my decorum intact.